Explorations: An Introduction to Astronomy (Arny), 7th Edition

Chapter 7: The Moon

Thought Questions

Highway surfaces develop "potholes" over time. How can you use the number of potholes as an indication of the "age" of the paving? How is this like using craters to estimate the age of the Moon's surface?
Bergmann's rule states that individuals of a given species—for example, bears—will be larger in cold climates than in warmer climates. How is an explanation of this rule similar to an explanation of the temperature difference between the Earth's interior and the Moon's interior?
How is the apparent lack of water on the lunar surface an argument against the idea that comets were a significant source of Earth's water and atmosphere? What is a good counterargument to your answer?
Why will an astronaut's footprint on the Moon last so long?
If the Moon were not in synchronous rotation with the Earth, would its phases be affected? What if both the Earth and the Moon were in synchronous rotation?
How has our understanding of the Moon changed because of data only available from missions to the Moon? Make an argument for future missions based on results discussed in the chapter or that you look up.
If the day were 12 hours long, what would be the approximate time interval between high and low tide?
As the Moon recedes from the Earth, are the tides getting taller or shorter? If the Moon is someday twice as far from the Earth, how many high tides will there be each day?
Why do tides happen about an hour later each day?
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