Writer's Choice Grade 7

Unit 20: Punctuation

Multiple Choice

Directions: For each item, select the sentence with correctly used commas. If the sentence is correct as is, select correct.

Jamaica Hightower who will be sixteen soon is learning to drive.
A)Jamaica Hightower, who will be sixteen soon is learning to drive.
B)Jamaica Hightower, who will be sixteen soon, is learning to drive.
C)Jamaica Hightower who will be sixteen soon, is learning to drive.
Please don't leave until I'm ready.
A)Please don't leave until, I'm ready.
B)Please don't leave, until I'm ready.
C)Please, don't leave until I'm ready.
Although the sun was shining the air was cold.
A)Although the sun was shining, the air was cold.
B)Although, the sun was shining the air was cold.
C)Although, the sun was shining, the air was cold.
I took my umbrella with me for it was raining hard.
A)I took my umbrella with me for it was raining, hard.
B)I took, my umbrella with me, for it was raining hard.
C)I took my umbrella with me, for it was raining hard.
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