Writer's Choice Grade 10

Unit 5: Expository Writing

Unit Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned about expository writing. In this lesson, they will test their knowledge of terms from the unit by completing a crossword puzzle.

Lesson Description
Students will complete a crossword puzzle by demonstrating their understanding of terms used to discuss expository writing.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will be able to identify key terms from the unit.
  2. Students will demonstrate their understanding of expository writing.

Student Web Activity Answers
exposition: writing that explains or informs
thesis statement: summary of purpose
compare: to examine similarities
contrast: to examine differences
definition: explanation of term or subject
classify: to organize a subject into categories
body: details that support the conclusion
conclusion: statement of the implication of the thesis
Venn diagram: graphic that illustrates comparison and contrast
word map: helps identify a word's category


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