Economics Today and Tomorrow

Chapter 18: Trading With Other Nations

Student Web Activity

"A Thirst for Trade"

Thomas First and Thomas Scott were fresh out of college when they started pedaling their blender-made juice drinks off their 19-foot motorboat in Nantucket Harbor. Nantucket Nectars had a modest income of $2,000 its first summer, but within a few years, their small operation grew to a $30 million company. To grow their business, First and Scott had to pursue trade with other nations. They now sell their 28 varieties in North America, Europe, Asia, and South and Central America. Assume you are the owner of a U.S. company that makes blended juice beverages. You are considering expanding your market beyond its domestic borders, so you decide to research potential markets on the Internet.

Destination Title: International Trade Administration

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Start at the International Trade Administration Web site.

  • Choose "Beverages" from the Industries box at the left and click on it.
  • Select a link from the left column, showing current exports of beverages to foreign countries.
  • Browse through the links to other beverages, taking notes as you go.

Read through the information, and then answer the following questions.

Which three countries had the greatest increase in soft drink imports last year? Which three countries had the greatest decrease in soft drink imports last year?
Which country spends the greatest amount on bottled water imports? Which spends the least?
Based on the figures presented in the chart, which country's market shows a demonstrated interest in American products and the greatest promise for growth? Give reasons for your selection.
Using the information you gathered on this site, research your chosen target market and list cultural considerations, trade restrictions, trade agreements, and business customs.
Based on your findings, prepare a short market analysis of the target nation to present to your company's stockholders. Include economic statistics, cultural information, and trade conditions that support your selection.
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