The American Vision

Chapter 6: Federalists and Republicans, 1789–1816

Federalists and Republicans, 1789-1816

Why did Hamilton ask Congress to accept the debts of the Continental Congress?
A)because he knew that Southern farmers would suffer if the debts were not paid
B)because the Constitution required the new government to pay old debts
C)because he knew speculators had paid just a fraction of the bonds’ face value
D)because he wanted to restore faith in the financial stability of the United States government
__________ marked the first time that United States troops were used to enforce legislation.
A)the Whiskey Rebellion
B)Shays’s Rebellion
C)Jay’s Treaty
D)a Native American uprising in the Northwest Territory
Democratic-Republicans feared that a strong federal government would _________.
A)threaten the rights and liberties of ordinary people
B)threaten the commerce of Northern merchants and artisans
C)support agriculture over trade
D)favor the South
Chief Little Turtle formed a confederacy to defend Native American land in __________ against white settlement.
A)the Southeast
C)the Northwest Territory
D)New Orleans
Washington’s Farewell Address cautioned Americans about all the following EXCEPT __________.
C)political parties
D)foreign alliances
What effect did the Federalists hope the Alien and Sedition Acts would have?
A)They would undermine Republican support.
B)They would attract immigrants to the Federalist Party.
C)They would protect individuals’ rights to free speech.
D)They would underscore states’ rights.
How did Chief Justice Marshall’s decision in Marbury v. Madison strengthen the Supreme Court?
A)It asserted the Court’s power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional.
B)It stipulated that requests for federal court orders go directly to the Supreme Court.
C)It stated that the Supreme Court had no jurisdiction in the case.
D)It identified the kinds of cases that could be taken directly to the Court.
What motivated Napoleon to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States?
A)He wanted to prevent an alliance between Spain and the United States.
B)The United States demanded payment of French debts owed to American citizens.
C)He was not interested in colonization.
D)He needed financing for his plan to conquer Europe.
In the War of 1812, a brilliant victory for Commodore Oliver Perry established American control of __________.
A)the Niagara Falls
B)Lake Erie
C)Lake Champlain
D)the Thames River
The terms of the Treaty of Ghent __________.
A)restored prewar boundaries
B)outlawed British impressment
C)designated new territories for the United States
D)outlined neutral rights
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