Marketing Essentials

Chapter 30: Product Planning

Practice Quizzes

What is the product mix?
A)All the different techniques a company uses to advertise its products
B)A product’s life cycle
C)All the different products a company makes or sells
D)product positioning
A definition of product width is
A)A product line
B)The quantity of products a company produces or sells
C)The numbers of different product lines a company produces or sells
D)None of the above
Product line and product depth relate to each other because
A)Product depth refers to the number of items offered in each product line and product depth refers to all the products offered by a company
B)One is the overall number of different products, the other indicates how many products in each category
C)A product line is a group of closely related products offered by a company, the product depth indicates the size of each product line
D)product line and product depth do not relate to each other at all
What is the purpose of product modification?
A)It is a quick and easy way to add new products to a line
B)To phase out an old product
C)To modify the product’s packaging and offer different product features
D)All of the above
The stages of a product life cycle are
A)Obsolescence, loss of appeal, lack of profit
B)Product depth and product width
C)Introduction, growth, maturity, and decline
D)None of the above
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