Marketing Essentials

Chapter 32: Extended Product Features

Chapter Summaries

Section 32.1

  • Warranties have two forms: express and implied. Full and limited warranties are examples of express warranties. Warranties of merchantability and warranties of fitness are the two kinds of implied warranty.
  • Warranties are an important element of product planning because they help to increase sales and profits. Customers often base their purchasing decisions on the availability of warranties.
  • The United States government has passed several laws to protect consumers. The Consumer Product Safety Act and the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act were both designed to ensure product safety.
  • If a product does not perform as promised, a consumer has a right to legal action, if necessary. Consumers also have a responsibility to inform themselves about the proper use of products they buy.

Section 32.2

  • Credit allows businesses or individuals to obtain products or money in exchange for a promise to pay later. The use of credit is essential to our economy.
  • Banks, department stores, gasoline companies, and travel and entertainment companies all offer credit to consumers.
  • Credit accounts include credit cards, charge cards, rebate cards, debit cards, and loans.
  • Businesses can use trade credit to purchase things like materials, equipment, and inventory. They use credit memorandums, letters of credit, and credit drafts instead of credit cards.

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