Marketing Essentials

Chapter 35: Developing a Business Plan

Practice Quizzes

What is a business plan?
A)The same thing as a marketing plan
B)A self-analysis
C)A description of a business’s philosophy and mission
D)A proposal that outlines how a business will be created or will expand
What is the role of a business philosophy?
A)It guides how a business should be run
B)It reveals a business owner’s attitude toward the marketplace
C)It helps attract and retain customers
D)All of the above
What is buying behavior?
A)The process people use to decide what they will buy
B)The process people use to decide where they will buy a product
C)The process people use to decide from whom they will buy a product
D)All of the above
What is equity capital?
A)The same thing as debt capital
B)Capital that comes from things or company interests your already own
C)A collateral
D)Capital that comes from a loan
A collateral is important because
A)It helps a bank review a business owner’s credit worthiness
B)It indicates how much debt capital a business owner has
C)It indicates how much insurance coverage a business owner carries
D)All of the above
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