Marketing Essentials

Chapter 37: Identifying Career Opportunities

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Figure 37.1

Analyzing Potential Paths
Look back on the three pages you created during this chapter’s “Case Study” activity. They should represent numerous possible career paths for you. Chances are, there are some key differences between them.

Knowing what you know about your personality, work ethic and demeanor, which path do you believe is the best fit for you? Which one are you the least excited about? Why? Prepare a short essay that answers the questions above.

Figure 37.2

Changing Goals
Using the example shown in figure 37.2, create your own lists of career goals–one for short-term goals, one for long-term goals.

On a separate sheet of paper, write what your goal lists would have been like if you had written them one year ago. How are the list from today and the imaginary list from who you were one year ago different? What do you think this says about how much you have changed in the past year? What are some things that are important to you now that were not important to you a year ago?

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