Marketing Essentials

Chapter 38: Finding and Applying For a Job

Practice Quizzes

Why is networking an important part of job hunting?
A)Because you need to collect as much information about job openings as possible
B)Because people you network with get to know you and may give you a job recommendation
C)Because you might hear about an opening before everybody else
D)All of the above
What is a job lead?
A)Information about a job opening
B)The first day on the job
C)A resume and a cover letter
D)The first step in obtaining a work permit
Two ways of looking for a job are
A)Getting a work permit and contacting job leads
B)Networking and looking at newspaper ads
C)Looking on the Internet and visiting personnel offices
D)all of the above
What is a resume?
A)A document that gives personal and employment information and that you can send instead of a cover letter
B)A list of references
C)A summary of personal information, education, skills, and work experience
D)All of the above
During an interview you should
A)Never look at the interviewer straight in the eye
B)Ask the interviewer some questions
C)Never show any sign of nervousness
D)Make yourself comfortable and put your briefcase/purse on the interviewer’s desk
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