Marketing Essentials

Chapter 6: Legal and Ethical Issues

Practice Quizzes

The Food and Drug Administration is
A)Part of the U.S. Government
B)The organization that regulates the labeling of food, drugs, and cosmetics sold in the U.S.
C)An organization that responds to petitions for action
D)All of the above
What is flextime?
A)The possibility of working overtime
C)A workplace policy that allows workers to choose their hours
D)Extended family leave
What is green marketing?
A)Marketing strategies that promote environmentally sound products
B)A marketing strategy that encourages the labeling of ecological products
C)A marketing strategy that capitalizes on some consumers’ willingness to pay more for green products
D)All of the above
Which statement best defines ethics
A)Guidelines for good behavior
B)Obeying the law
C)Being a good consumer
D)Community action
The EPA is
A)Part of FDA
B)An organization that gives guidelines for job safety
C)A private organization that protects the environment
D)An governmental organization that protects the environment
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