Marketing Essentials

Chapter 13: Initiating the Sale

Practice Quizzes

What is the service approach?
A)The same thing as the greeting approach
B)Making a comment about the product a customer is interested in
C)An observation method
D)Asking the customer if she or he needs any help
Steps of the selling process are
A)Approaching the customer and presenting the product
B)Determining needs and overcoming objections
C)Suggestion selling and closing the sale
D)All of the above
How can a salesperson determine a customer’s needs?
A)By observing
B)By listening
C)By asking
D)All of the above
When should a salesperson determine a customer’s needs?
A)As soon as possible
B)Only when the customer hesitates
C)Only when the customer shows interest in a product
D)Only if the customer talks to the salesperson
Why is determining customer needs important?
A)It is part of the selling process
B)It allows the salesperson to find out more about the customer
C)It helps the salesperson to recommend the right product or service
D)All of the above
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