Marketing Essentials

Chapter 16: Using Math in Sales

Practice Quizzes

What is a sales check?
A)The check a customer writes to pay for merchandise
B)A written record of a sale
C)A note to hold merchandise for a customer
D)None of the above
You need a PIN to
A)Use a credit card
B)Use a debit card
C)Write a check
D)Get a receipt
COD is used when
A)The customer pays for the merchandise at the store and has it delivered
B)A customer buys something on the Internet
C)A customer pays for merchandise at the time of delivery
D)A customer does not pay the sales tax
UPC is
A)A Universal Product Code
B)A way to identify a product
C)A series of bars and numbers
D)All of the above
A Point-of-Sale system
A)Combines a cash register with a computer and captures sales data
B)A kiosk where specialty goods are sold
C)A systematic way of displaying merchandise near the cash register
D)A way to organize purchase orders
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