Marketing Essentials

Section 1: Promotion and Promotional Mix

After You Read Online Action

Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

  1. Promotion is persuasive communication. It is used to inform, persuade, or remind people about a company’s products and its image.
  2. Product promotion is used to convince people to buy or use a certain product. Institutional promotion does not directly sell a product, but it is used to create a favorable image that can result in sales.
  3. The promotional mix is the combination of advertising, selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations used by an organization to meet its professional goals.
  4. Integrating Academic Skills

  5. Print advertisement: 40%; two-for-one deal: $16.67%; Premiums: 10%; Public relations: 33.33%
  6. Answers will vary. An uncritical representation of the company is a clue that a story is the result of corporate publicity.
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