Marketing Essentials

Section 2: Inventory Storage

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Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts

  1. Reasons for storage: facilitate delivery to purchaser, production has outpaced demand, products require seasonal storage, to take advantage of quantity purchases, and to be located close to purchasers.
  2. Distribution centers focus on moving products rather than storing them.
  3. A bonded warehouse can be either public or private and stores products that require the payment of a federal tax.
  4. Integrating Academic Skills

  5. The cost per order  is $590; 531,000 divided by 900 = $590
  6. Answers will vary; issues might include a discussion of Internet services, Wi-Fi modems, PDAs, GPS locators, handheld computers, local area networks for yard management, Just-in-Time pick up and delivery scanning equipment, RFID technology, Electronic Data Interchange and Voice Response, Quick response Delivery, and integrated logistics planning and control.
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