
Chapter 11: Effective Language

Activity Lesson Plan

Students have read about the importance of using effective language when giving a speech. In this lesson they will review components of effective presentations.

Lesson Description
Students will read statements based on various concepts of effective language and choose the vocabulary word that correctly identifies each statement.

Instructional Objectives
Students will reinforce concepts of effective language use and review verbal techniques that will enhance their presentations.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Concrete: Words that name things that can be perceived through sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell
  2. Imagery: Language that creates pictures in our minds and excites the senses
  3. Irony: When you say one thing but mean something entirely different
  4. Hyperbole: A form of imagery that blows a picture out of proportion and stretches audiences' imaginations
  5. Alliteration: The repetition of the initial sound of two or more words that are close together
  6. Jargon: Specialized vocabulary of those in the same line of work


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