
Chapter 12: Effective Delivery

Activity Lesson Plan

Students have read about effective verbal and nonverbal strategies in speech presentations. In this lesson they will analyze a speech by John F. Kennedy.

Lesson Description
Students will listen to a clip from John F. Kennedy's inaugural address and answer questions related to verbal and nonverbal strategies they have studied in this chapter.

Instructional Objective
Students will reinforce concepts of effective delivery by using their new knowledge about speaking strategies to evaluate a speech.

Student Web Activity Answers
Possible Answers:

  1. Kennedy used an extemporaneous delivery method to give his speech. He probably chose this method because it felt more natural and authentic.
  2. He often gestured to emphasize certain words or ideas. It made his words seem extra important and emphasized how strongly he felt about what he was saying. It also added emotion.
  3. He varied his rate and pitch to add interest and enunciated all of his words. He also stressed some words to emphasize their importance.


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