
Chapter 2: Building Confidence

Activity Lesson Plan

Students have been learning about the importance of speaking with confidence so that they can inspire trust from their audience. In this lesson, they will review the concepts related to building confidence.

Lesson Description
Students will apply the vocabulary they have learned in the chapter to complete a crossword puzzle.

Instructional Objective
Students will reinforce their understanding of the importance of confidence to being an effective speaker.

Student Web Activity Answers

  • phobia: a persistent, irrational fear that causes a person to avoid some situations
  • confidence: a feeling of belief in oneself and one's ability to control a specific situation
  • stage fright: the nervousness felt by a speaker or performer in front of an audience
  • fear: a biological process that activates the body's emergency energy system to enable a person to cope with danger
  • impression: how the audience perceives the speaker
  • empathy: a sincere understanding of the feelings, thoughts, and motives of others
  • friendliness: a warm, congenial attitude
  • newness: an original or unique approach to a topic
  • dedication: a desire to practice and be committed to one's speech
  • notes: a list of ideas in brief, outlined form


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