Vocabulary Builder Course 2

Lesson 18:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned nouns that are formed by adding suffixes to adjectives or verbs. Before students begin the activity, you might have them brainstorm for other nouns that contain one of these suffixes.

Lesson Description
Students will identify six vocabulary words from the lesson by completing an Identification activity. To get directions, they can click on the How To Play button. After finishing the activity, they can click on Check Answers to check their work.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will choose vocabulary words from a randomly ordered list and match them to their definitions.
  2. Students will recall the meanings of words to make correct matches.

Student Web Activity Answers
proficiency: the quality or state of being highly skilled
vagrancy: state of being a wandering person without a regular home or employment
consistency: keeping to a way of thinking or acting
truancy: the act or practice of being absent without permission
extravagance: wasteful or excessive spending of money
repentance: the act or process of feeling sorrow or regret for what one has done

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