Vocabulary Builder Course 2

Lesson 27:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned about two prefixes that reverse the meaning of a word or root. Before students begin the activity, you might have them brainstorm for additional words that begin with one or both of these prefixes.

Lesson Description
Students will put their vocabulary knowledge into action by playing a game of Concentration. Students can choose to be timed while they play this game. To get directions, they can click on the How To Play button. Score will be kept as the game is played.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will determine whether a word and a definition match when cards are turned up.
  2. Students will practice identifying words by their antonyms or synonyms.

Student Web Activity Answers
immature: not fully grown or developed
immoderate: going beyond normal or proper limits
impeccable: a synonym for flawless
impenetrable: impossible to understand
improbable: a synonym for unlikely
inaccessible: difficult to reach or approach
inaudible: impossible to hear
incoherent: not connected in a logical or meaningful way
incompetent: an antonym for capable
indecisive: an antonym for decisive

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