Vocabulary Builder Course 2

Lesson 30:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned five pairs of words with related meanings. Before students begin the activity, you might have them name the part of speech of each word.

Lesson Description
Students will use their knowledge of vocabulary words to complete a True/False activity. To complete this activity, students drag either True or False onto the ? circle by each item. When they are finished, they can check their work.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use their knowledge of vocabulary words to help them determine whether each statement is true or false.
  2. Students will increase their understanding of words by thinking about them in different contexts.

Student Web Activity Answers
True : Invoke means to ask for help.
False : Remnant means to be left over.
False : If something is requisite, it is unnecessary.
False : Remnant is a verb and remain is a noun.
False : Doubt is an antonym for uncertainty.
True : Dubious is an adjective meaning feeling or showing uncertainty.
True : Detain is a verb and detention is a noun.
True : Invoke is a verb and invocation is a noun.

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