Vocabulary Builder Course 2

Lesson 33:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have learned about the prefix dis- and its meanings.

Lesson Description
Students will go to http://www.m-w.com, the Merriam-Webster Web site, and read more about this prefix. They will be prompted to write the definitions of three words that begin with dis- after looking up the root words in the online dictionary. They will also use the three words and a synonym of one of the words in sentences.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will discern and write the meanings of words by thinking about the meanings of their root words.
  2. Students will learn the meanings of four new words.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. disestablish: to deprive of an established status
  2. disaffection: lost affection or loyalty
  3. disagreeable: causing discomfort; marked by ill temper
  4. disaffection: estrangement, alienation (synonyms)

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