Vocabulary Builder Course 7

Lesson 15:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have been introduced to the roots -gen-, meaning “race, kind, or to produce,” -gress-, meaning “to go,”  and -tac-, meaning “to be silent.”

Lesson Description
Students will review lesson words by completing a Concentration matching activity. When they click on a card, a term or its definition will appear. Students will then attempt to find a matching card. When a match is found, the two matching cards will be removed from the playing field.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will match words with their definitions.
  2. Students will review words related to the roots -gen-, -gres-, and -tac-.
  3. Students will recognize the meanings of words related to these roots.

Student Web Activity Answers
egress: an exit
genealogy: study of a family's ancestry
genus: classification of organisms with like characteristics
germinal: in the earliest stage of development
ingress: an entrance
progenitor: an ancestor
regress: move backward
retrogression: process of returning to a less advanced stage
tacit: not spoken, but understood
taciturn: not talkative; uncommunicative

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