Vocabulary Builder Course 7

Lesson 20:

Activity Lesson Plans

Students have been introduced to words and phrases that English has borrowed from other languages.

Lesson Description
Students will review lesson words by completing a Concentration matching activity. When they click on a card, a term or its definition will appear. Students will then attempt to find a matching card. When a match is found, the two matching cards will be removed from the playing field.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will match words with their definitions.
  2. Students will review words and phrases borrowed from other languages.
  3. Students will recognize the meanings of these borrowed words and phrases.

Student Web Quest Activity
ad hoc: for one specific purpose and no other
ad infinitum: endlessly; without limit
cabal: a small group of plotters
cause célebrè: an issue that arouses heated debate
chutzpah: impudence; nerve
juggernaut: overpowering force that destroys everything in its path
nabob: rich, powerful, and influential person
persona non grata: unacceptable or unwelcome
quid pro quo: something exchanged for something else
shibboleth: a slogan that is identified with a certain group

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