North Carolina Science Grade 6

Unit 6: Energy and Waves

Design constraints

Planetary exploration has taken a quantum leap in the new millennium with the successful explorations of Mars and Saturn. The Mars rovers have sent incredible images of Mars' surface back to Earth. The rovers have also transmitted data about the red planet that will engage NASA's scientific teams in analysis that will help us more understand more about Mars. With the success of the Cassini-Huygens probes to investigate Saturn and its satellites, scientists will collect information about this outer planet and learn about the nature of this part of the solar system.

You will participate in the phenomena of planetary exploration by taking a closer look at either the Mars or Saturn exploration programs by researching the technology being used to study one of these two planets. You will write about the technology being used to collect data, draw schematics of the probe, then create a model using available and appropriate construction materials.

First, conduct research to learn about the technology being used to explore Saturn or Mars. Visit the resources below to learn about the Cassini or Huygens probes or the Mars rovers. After your initial investigation, form small groups and choose one of the types of technology to explore in depth.

As you read about the technology, take notes about how the planetary probe was designed and constructed, including the specialized scientific instruments included. Notes should include information about the probe's mission and how it collects and transmits data. Focus on one specific feature of the planetary probe to investigate in detail. Use your notes to write a description of the planetary probe.

Next, create a schematic drawing of your proposed model. These drawings should be accompanied by a list of materials needed to build the model. Use safe and appropriate materials to construct the model, such as recycled materials, modeling clay, art supplies, or plastic building blocks.

After your group has completed the model-building phase of the project, prepare the model for a class event to display the project. Models can be displayed with labels that describe the model's highlighted technology features and design constraints.

2 class periods for research, 1 class period to write the description and draw the schematics, 2 class periods to collect materials and build the model, 1 class period for class display.

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