¡Buen viaje! Level 2

Chapter 12: Los servicios al público


Los servicios al público

<a onClick="window.open('/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif::::/sites/dl/free/007861790x/209413/Chap12.gif','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (15.0K)</a>

  • To talk about services available in Spanish-speaking countries
  • To talk about going to the hair salon
  • To talk about having your clothes cleaned
  • To talk about using the services of the post office
  • To talk about bank transactions
  • To talk about things that may or may not happen
  • To talk about what you would like, wish, or hope others would do


  • You may wish to brainstorm with students keywords in Spanish that will help direct them to Spanish-language Web sites to complete this WebQuest.
  • You may wish to provide students with the following list of vocabulary words before they begin the activity.
 la campaña de publicidadadvertising campaign
 el cuestionarioquestionnaire
 la empresa anunciadoraadvertising agency
 el jefeboss
 el negociobusiness
 la RedThe Internet
 supervisarto supervise
  • Remind students that they will need to use the present subjunctive as they complete the Antes de navegar section of the worksheet.
  • If time is a concern, you may wish to have each student explore only one or two of the four categories provided in the Primera parte of the ¡A navegar! section.
  • Students who choose to advertise a bank in the Después de navegar section should be encouraged to read Conexiones on pages 382-383 of the textbook before completing this activity.


  • After students have completed the Antes de navegar section, have them share their answers as someone records them on the chalkboard or on an overhead transparency or whiteboard. As a means of providing students with more oral practice of the present subjunctive, have students synthesize the information by making generalized statements, such as Las personas en nuestro barrio quieren que la tintorería acepte tarjetas de crédito. Las personas en nuestra comunidad prefieren un banco que no cierre hasta las ocho de la noche.
  • Have students prepare their advertisements from the Después de navegar section on poster board. Display them throughout the classroom. Students can then "visit" various places and role-play a dialogue that might take place between a store clerk and a customer who is interested in obtaining more information about the services mentioned in the advertisement.



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