Biology: The Dynamics of Life, California Edition

Section 2: Human Population

Human Population

When is it possible for a population growth rate to be less than zero?
A)When the birthrate is greater than the death rate.
B)When the birthrate is equal to the death rate.
C)When the death rate is greater than the birthrate.
D)The population growth rate can never be less than zero.
The population of a country is experiencing a slow doubling time. Which of these is true of that country?
A)It will never double its population.
B)It can also be categorized as a developing country.
C)It can also be categorized as a developed country.
D)It has zero population growth.
The population distribution for a country shows that each age structure is about the same size. What type of population growth is this country experiencing?
A)stable growth
B)rapid growth
C)zero growth
D)slow growth
Which of these is the study of human population size and the factors that influence it?
Which of these equations represents zero population growth?
A)Birthrate - Death rate = 0
B)Birthrate - Death rate > 0
C)Birthrate + Death rate = 0
D)Birthrate + Death rate < 0
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