Marketing Series: Hospitality & Tourism

Chapter 7: Sports, Events, and Entertainment

Pop Quizzes

The first Olympic Games took place in _____.
A)Athens in 776 BC
B)Rome in 776 BC
C)Athens in 1996
D)Rome in 1996
Which are the major categories used to classify leisure activities?
A)amateur and professional sports
B)business and pleasure
C)sports, recreation, events, and entertainment
D)commercial and public
Sports in which the athletes are not paid are called _____.
A)professional sports
B)amateur sports
C)commercial sports
D)public sports
What is the name for nontraditional sports, such as skateboarding and surfing, in which daring athletes compete?
A)international sports
B)Special Olympics
C)Olympic Games
D)extreme sports
Marketing director, box office director, and concession manager are all jobs found in _____.
A)high school sports
B)college sports
C)public facilities
The two main types of recreation are _____.
A)public and private
B)high school and college
C)commercial and public
D)none of the above
What is the name for recreation that takes place on state and federal lands and in city, state, or national parks?
A)commercial recreation
B)public recreation
D)hallmark events
What is the main difference between public and private events?
A)Public events are by invitation only.
B)Public events take place in a park.
C)Public events are open to anyone; private events are for a select group of people.
D)You have to pay for private events.
What is a mega-event?
A)an event that appeals only to local or regional markets
B)a private event with a large budget
C)an event sponsored by a broadcasting company
D)the largest type of event, a unique, "must-see" happening with international appeal, such as the Olympic Games
Jobs in the entertainment industry include _____.
A)talent agent, film director, and musician
B)singer, box-office manager, and tour operator
C)film producer, film director, and park ranger
D)none of the above
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