Marketing Series: Hospitality & Tourism

Chapter 15: Finding a Job

Pop Quizzes

Job seekers entering the workforce need skills in which areas?
A)basic skills
B)thinking skills
C)personal qualities
D)all of the above
Reading, writing, and speaking are examples of _____.
A)basic skills
B)thinking skills
C)personal qualities
D)none of the above
Why are communication skills necessary for employees in the hospitality industry?
A)Hospitality employees need to entertain guests.
B)Hospitality employees need to entertain their bosses.
C)Hospitality employees use communication skills every day to communicate with guests.
D)none of the above
The process of giving and receiving messages without words, via eye contact and hand gestures, is known as _____.
B)verbal communication
C)nonverbal communication
D)guest service skills
Which are three personal traits valued in the hospitality industry?
A)a positive attitude, maturity, and sloppy appearance
B)leadership, a good work ethic, and a bad attitude
C)a positive attitude, good work ethic, and leadership
D)none of the above
Which are steps in the employment process?
A)approach the customer, compile a portfolio, and interview
B)compile a portfolio, draft a résumé, and apply for jobs
C)draft a résumé, apply for jobs, and perform suggestion selling
D)research, approach the customer, and compile a portfolio
Possible sources to use when researching a job include _____.
B)the Internet
D)all of the above
Contact information, a job seeker's objective, and a summary of relevant work experience would be found in a _____.
A)cover letter
D)follow-up letter
An interview with a professional to help the job seeker learn more about a specific career field or company is known as (n) _____
A)informational interview
B)group interview
C)mock interview
D)traditional interview
Which type of interview involves one applicant and one company representative?
A)group interview
B)mock interview
C)traditional interview
D)all of the above
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