Discovering Our Past: The American Journey to World War I

Chapter 1: Expanding Horizons

Student Web Activity

"Economic Systems"

Not all economic systems are alike. Ours is a market economy based on private property and free enterprise, but there are other ways to organize economic activity. One of the best guides to other economies, including Russia and the former republics that now make up the Commonwealth of Independent States, comes from the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The CIA's World Factbook 2004 contains a variety of information ranging from politics to economics.

Destination Title: The CIA World Factbook

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Start at the World Factbook Web site.

  • Select the "Country Listing" option from the menu.
  • Select the country of your choice from the list.
  • Answer the following questions based on the information you have found.

Describe the climate and natural resources of the country.
Describe the government of the country you selected.
Describe the economy of the country you selected.
What is the life expectancy, literacy rate, and infant mortality rate for the country you selected?
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