Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe, Florida Edition

Section 4: The Human Factor

The Human Factor

If global warming continues too far, which climates shown in the figure will be affected?
C)ice cap
D)all of the above
The natural heating of Earth's surface by the atmosphere is called __________.
A)the greenhouse effect
B)global warming
C)El Nino
D)the ozone hole
Most scientists agree that __________.
A)Earth's temperature is rising due to human effects
B)global warming is occurring
C)the greenhouse gases are decreasing
D)Earth's temperature is decreasing due to natural effects
Which of the following can increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A)automobile exhaust
C)industrial burning of fossil fuels
D)all of these answers are correct
The increase in temperature caused by an increase of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere is called __________.
A)El Nino
B)global warming
C)the greenhouse effect
D)the ozone hole
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