Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe, Florida Edition

Chapter 16: The Marine Environment

Web Links

Rip Current Safety
NOAA has put together this site to educate ocean swimmers about the dangers of rip currents. Visit this site and look through the Safety Tips section. Also, click on the SurfZone Forecast to see the areas of the coast that are experiencing rip currents right now. What should you do if you are ever caught in a rip current?
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Deepest Ocean
This page describes the history and discovery of the Marianis Trench, which is so deep that Mt. Everest could fit in it with a mile of seawater above it. Visit this page to learn more about the explorers who first ventured into the trench. How deep was their dive?
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Hot Spots and Cool Volcanoes
This site explains why strings of volcanoes like the Hawaiian Islands are formed on the sea floor. It includes text, pictures and a brief QuickTime animation. Visit this site and watch the animation. What causes volcanoes to form in a line on the ocean floor?
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