Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe, Florida Edition

Section 3: Cosmology


What do scientists use to measure Earth's distance from globular clusters?
A)variable stars
B)the steady-state theory
C)the Hubble constant
D)the Milky Way
Is the rate of the universe expansion speeding up or slowing down?
A)It was slowing down, but now it is speeding up.
B)It has always been slowing down.
C)It was speeding up, but now it is slowing down.
D)It has always been speeding up.
What theory suggests that the universe does not change with time?
A)the Big Bang theory
B)the inflationary universe model
C)the steady-state theory
D)the theory of plate tectonics
The study of cosmology is concerned with __________.
A)the evolution of the universe
B)the origin of the universe
C)the nature of the universe
D)all of the above
What theory does cosmic background radiation support?
A)the steady-state theory
B)the inflationary universe model
C)the theory of evolution
D)the Big Bang theory
Look at the scale in the figure. Infer why our sun will never become a black hole.
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A)it's too small
B)it's not in the center of a galaxy
C)it's too big
D)it has too much gas
In the Big Bang theory, what balances the momentum of the expansion of the universe?
A)the inward force of gravity
B)the momentum of the galaxies
C)the outward force of gravity
D)the critical density of the universe
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