Introduction to Desktop Publishing With Digital Graphics

Chapter 4: Focus on Design Makeovers

Reading Check and Critical Thinking Activities

Directions Read each question carefully. Key your response in the text box. Click Check Your Answers. Then e-mail the results to your teacher.

Define What are the four design principles known as PARC?
Identify What is the difference between an orphan and a widow in text layout?
Describe Explain the design process and why it is a spiral rather than a list.
Analyze Why did the ancient Greeks believe the Golden Ratio could be used to design buildings and artworks?
Evaluate Why is it useful to be able to export or import style sheets?
Identify Describe five ways to create proximity in a document.
Describe Discuss one way you can create an entry point in a publication.
Summarize Describe the planning stage of a project and why it is so important.
Compare Give four reasons how designing for a Web page is different from designing for print.
Compare Describe three differences and three similarities between a high school newsletter and a newsletter sent to bank customers.
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