Introduction to Desktop Publishing With Digital Graphics

Chapter 5: Introducing Adobe Photoshop

Reading Check and Critical Thinking Activities

Directions Read each question carefully. Key your response in the text box. Click Check Your Answers. Then e-mail the results to your teacher.

Analyze What makes a raster image different from a vector image?
Define What is resolution?
Explain What is the difference between linking all layers and flattening the layers?
Evaluate When would it be better to use the Magic Wand tool and when would it be better to use the Lasso tool?
Draw Conclusions Which type of file would be better for the Internet, a TIFF or a JPG? Why?
Analyze How does the publishing method affect a publication's design?
Compare When would you need to use a raster image rather than a vector image?
Explain What are three advantages of using multiple layers in an image?
Evaluate What method can you use to separate a figure like a car or a person from a complex background of trees or a lake?
Make Predictions What would probably happen if you took a 72 ppi picture from the Internet and resized it to the size of a billboard using Photoshop? Explain your answer.
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