Introduction to Desktop Publishing With Digital Graphics

Chapter 8: Integrating Publisher and Illustrator

Reading Check and Critical Thinking Activities

Directions Read each question carefully. Key your response in the text box. Click Check Your Answers. Then e-mail the results to your teacher.

Identify Name three examples of publication media.
Explain What is layering?
Compare What is the difference between the Pathfinder palette's Subtract and Expand commands?
Describe How can a service bureau assist you with your publications?
Evaluate How does the final delivery method of a publication affect the file format used to create the publication?
Evaluate Why is it so important to understand a client's design needs before you begin a project?
Analyze In what situations would it be advantageous to convert a raster graphic into a vector graphic?
Cause and Effect How do layers help you during the design process?
Make Connections Give two examples of times when you use a vector image and two examples of times when you would use a raster image.
Compare Give three examples of how the Layers palette in Illustrator is similar to the Layers palette in Photoshop.
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