Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 12: Renaissance and Reformation, 1350–1600

Student Web Activity

"Ulrich Zwingli"

Ulrich (Huldrych) Zwingli led the Reformation in Switzerland and had an important role in formulating some of the movement's most influential ideas. In this activity you will become familiar with Zwingli's major contributions to the Reformation.

Destination Title: Discovery and Reformation

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Start at the Discovery and Reformation Web site.

  • Click on Contents.
  • Scroll down to the "Reformation" section and click on Ulrich Zwingli.
  • Browse through the article, taking notes as you read.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

What kind of educational background did Zwingli bring to Martin Luther's revolution?
What major change did the city of Zurich adopt in response to Zwingli? What broader change followed?
Did Zwingli favor more of a literal reading of scripture or an interpretation? How did he relate his approach to the practice of indulgences?
Over what major doctrinal issue did Zwingli part company with Luther? Explain how this was historically significant.
Imagine that you live in Zurich during Zwingli's time. Martin Luther has been invited to a public discussion with Zwingli. Create a poster inviting the citizens of Zurich to the discussion. In addition to other information, briefly outline the major differences of opinion between Zwingli and Luther.
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