Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 21: The Height of Imperialism, 1800–1914

Student Web Activity

"The Leaders of Mexican Independence"

Mexico's independence movement was led by an array of inspiring figures. In this activity you will learn about the leaders of the independence movement and how their contributions were critical to the movement's success.

Destination Title: Mexican Independence

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Start at the Mexican Independence Web site.

  • Read about the four major figures in the Mexican independence movement-Miguel Hidalgo, José Morelos, Vicente Guerrero, and Agustín Iturbide-by clicking on the links on the main page.
  • Make sure to click on and read the links within the site. Take notes as you read.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

How did events in Europe contribute to political upheaval in Mexico on the eve of Mexican independence?
What action by the Spanish prompted Hidalgo to take up arms?
Who was José Morelos, and what did he do?
What is the Plan the Iguala?
You have read about the four major figures in the Mexican independence movement. Choose one of the four people and, on a separate piece of paper, write a resume for that person. Make sure to include all major events and accomplishments in that person's life.
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