Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 29: Latin America, 1945–Present

Student Web Activity


The estranged relationship between the United States and Cuba dates back to the 1960s. In this activity, you will gain an understanding of the embargo's history, hear from its supporters and critics, and learn about the affects of the trade embargo.

Destination Title: The Papal Visit to Cuba

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Go to the CNN Web site: The Papal Visit to Cuba.

  • Click on "Testing the Embargo."
  • Next, read the material for each section of the "Embargo at a Glance," which is listed on the right-hand side of the page.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

According to the timeline, which U.S. president originally enacted the embargo?
What stance do most major Cuban-American exile organizations take on the embargo?
List two organizations that are against the embargo.
What event led to worsened conditions in Cuba?
On a separate piece of paper, create a list of pros and cons for maintaining the embargo. Once you’ve compiled this information, write a short expository essay, arguing your position on the embargo.
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