Glencoe World History New York Edition

Chapter 32: Challenges and Hopes for the Future

Student Web Activity

"The United Nations"

The United Nations has become an important player in international relations since World War II. In this activity you will read about the structure and history of the UN. You will also learn about the role of the UN in attempting to resolve difficult international conflicts.

Destination Title: About the United Nations

Note: Clicking on the link above will launch a new browser window.
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Start at the About the United Nations Web site.

  • Under "Background Information," click on the UN in Brief. Read the article, taking notes as you read.
  • Click on additional links to learn more about the United Nations.

After you have read the material, answer the following questions.

What are the main bodies of the United Nations?
What is the connection between the United Nations and international law?
Name at least three international conflicts that the United Nations has helped resolve.
What is impunity? What is its meaning in the context of the United Nations?
In a 1999 article, Two Concepts of Sovereignty, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan points to mass human rights violations in East Timor, Kosovo, and Rwanda as major challenges in international relations. Research one of these three conflicts (the 1994 conflict in Rwanda, or the East Timor or Kosovo conflict of 1999) and write a detailed evaluation of the UN's performance in resolving that conflict. Include a proposal for changes that would increase the UN's effectiveness at conflict resolution. Feel free to quote from Annan's article in your evaluation. You can begin your search using the search link on the UN Web site and typing East Timor, Kosovo, or Rwanda for a list of UN resolutions and reports.
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