Exploring Art

Meet the Authors

Gene Mittler is one of the authors of Glencoe's middle school/junior high art series, Introducing Art, Exploring Art, and Understanding Art. He is also author of Art in Focus, a chronological approach to art for Glencoe's senior high program, and Creating and Understanding Drawings. He has taught at both the elementary and secondary levels and at Indiana University. He received an M.F.A. in sculpture from Bowling Green State University and a Ph.D. in art education from the Ohio State University. He has authored grants and published numerous articles in professional journals and has lectured in the United States and abroad. Dr. Mittler is currently Professor Emeritus at Texas Tech University.

Rosalind Ragans is one of the authors of Glencoe's middle school/junior high art series, Introducing Art, Exploring Art and Understanding Art. She served as senior author on the elementary program Art Connections for the SRA division of McGraw-Hill, and wrote the multi-level, comprehensive ArtTalk text for Glencoe's senior high program. She received a B.F.A. at Hunter College, CUNY, New York, and earned a M.Ed. in Elementary Education at Georgia Southern University and Ph.D. in Art Education at University of Georgia. Dr. Ragans has taught art in grades K-12, and has earned honors including National Art Educator of the Year for 1992. She is currently Associate Professor of Art Education Emerita at Georgia Southern University.

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