The American Journey, Illinois Edition

Chapter 29: The Civil Rights Era

The Civil Rights Era

The lawyer who argued Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, for the NAACP was __________.
A)Clarence Thomas
B)Thurgood Marshall
C)Earl Warren
D)James Joyce
President Eisenhower sent soldiers to __________, to ensure the integration of Central High School.
A)Selma, Alabama
B)Memphis, Tennessee
C)Little Rock, Arkansas
D)Montgomery, Alabama
Martin Luther King, Jr., was influenced by A. Philip Randolph and __________.
A)Mohandas Gandhi
B)Benjamin Disraeli
C)Siddhartha Gautama
D)Desmond Tutu
Who said, “ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country”?
A)Lyndon Johnson
B)Richard Nixon
C)Martin Luther King, Jr.
D)John Kennedy
President Kennedy was assassinated in __________.
A)Washington, D.C.
B)Dallas, Texas
C)Boston, Massachusetts
D)Los Angeles, California
Those who protested segregation on buses were called __________.
A)Sons of Liberty
B)Freedom Riders
The first African American to enroll in the University of Mississippi was __________.
A)Ross Barnett
B)Medgar Evers
C)Ernest Green
D)James Meredith
Who organized the march on Washington, D.C., in August 1963 to rally support for the civil rights bill?
A)Jesse Jackson
B)Lyndon Johnson
C)Martin Luther King, Jr.
D)James Farmer
The first female justice of the Supreme Court was __________.
A)Sandra Day O’Connor
B)Ruth Bader Ginsberg
C)Catherine Trimble Evans
D)Amy Carter May
In 1959 __________ became the dictator of Cuba.
A)César Chávez
B)Fidel Castro
C)Manuel Noriega
D)Roberto Clemente
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