World Geography and Cultures © 2008

Chapter 11: Physical Geography of Europe

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“Rivers of Europe”

In this chapter you learned about the variety of physical features in Europe, including the different types of water ways. Europeans have come to depend on rivers and canals as a means of transportation, trade, and leisure. Europe has varying types of rivers from the short rivers of Scandinavia to the major rivers of the Danube and Rhine.

Lesson Description
Students will use the internet to research about the rivers and waterways of Europe and understand why they play such an important role in everyday life.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. Student responses will vary.
  2. Student responses will vary, but might include details about the size, importance, and history of the Danube River to Europe.
  3. Rhine River; the Main-Danube Canal links North Sea and Black Sea
  4. In 2004, the leading countries were Germany and Netherlands; the continent transported over 400 million tons by waterways.
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