World Geography and Cultures © 2008

Chapter 20: Physical Geography of Africa South of the Sahara

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“The Great Rift Valley”

In this chapter you learned about the immensity of the land south of the Sahara and one of its most amazing features. The natural wonder of the Great Rift Valley stretches form Syria to Mozambique. The deep valley was formed out of a system of factures in the Earth's surface, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes the Great Rift Valley. In East Africa the Great Rift Valley is formed by volcanic mountains and deep lakes.

Lesson Description
Students will tour the large region of the Great Rift Valley, investigate how it was created and its importance today.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. The rift valley is some 3,700 miles (6,000 km) in length
  2. Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
  3. They believe the Valley will split Africa and possibly form the Somali plate.
  4. The bones of several hominid ancestors of modern humans have been found, including those of “Lucy” a nearly complete skeleton, was discovered by anthropologists.
  5. Student answers will vary

Student answers will vary based on the information they choose to include.

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