World Geography and Cultures © 2008

Chapter 28: The Region Today: East Asia

Web Activity Lesson Plans

“China's Three Gorges Dam”

China faces the challenge of flooding from the Huang He and Chang Jiang. Further, with an ever growing population the nation needs to find a way to supply enough energy for its people. A controversial decision was made to build the Three Gorges Dam. The dam helps to control flooding in the region and generates millions of kilowatts of electricity. However, the dam is not without controversy.

Lesson Description
Students will compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam.

Student Web Activity Answers

  1. 2009, approximately $25 billion
  2. political corruption, technological setbacks, human rights violations, and the displacement of over one million people from their homes
  3. Students may argue that only a government would have the capital or resources to engage in such a project, and that private business would not. China is idea for this type of project because it has a command economy, where the government decides on most of the allocation of goods and services.
  4. They believe that the canals leading to the interior of the region will bring in large ships to help trade, and that cheaper electricity will help businesses to complete better.
  5. Student responses will vary

Student responses will vary

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