World Geography and Cultures © 2008

Chapter 32: Physical Geography of Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica

Student Web Activities

"Introduced Species"

In this chapter you studied the physical geography of Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica with it distinctive beauty and habitats. There are numerous indigenous species to these areas, exclusive to these areas of the world. However, humans have introduced numerous animals and plants to this region over the years often causing devastating ecological and economic results.

Students will study the destructiveness and potential good of introducing foreign species to existing habitats.

Research credible websites and complete the questions and activity that follows:

Where to begin

Take notes as well as record the websites you visit and answer the following questions:

What potential problems might “introduced” animal species cause in a region?
Why are foreign plant and animal species typically introduced into a new region of the world?
Compile a list of animals that have been introduced to Australia and are hurting the natural habitat of the continent.
How did the introduction of humans to Oceania hurt the ecological system of the islands? What species did they introduce to the islands?
How has human interaction in Antarctica let to health concerns for seals and penguins?

Identifying the Main Idea
Research the native plants and animals of the region you live. Make a list of plants and animals that are indigenous and foreign to your area. Check with local, state, or national organizations that may have information about the introduced species of your region, are they harmful or helpful to the ecological system? Share your findings with the rest of the class.

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