World Geography and Cultures © 2008

Chapter 18: Cultural Geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia


Most people think of the pyramids when they hear the name "Egypt," but there is more to Egyptian culture than these impressive structures. One of the world's oldest civilizations arose along the Nile River over 3,000 years ago, and this country in North Africa has intrigued travelers since Greek and Roman times. In this activity, you will learn more about Egypt's customs, historical sites, and cultural and arts activities.

Destination Title: Tour Egypt

Start at the Tour Egypt Web site.
  • Scroll down and click on Egypt Travel Tips. From here click on and read Customs and Conduct in Egypt.
  • Return to the main screen and click on Egyptian Destinations. Read the information presented.
  • Go back to the main screen and click on Ancient Egypt at the top of the screen. Then click on All Ancient Sites from the menu on the left. Click on "Pharaonic Monuments" and click on Valley of the Kings. Read this page.

Take notes as you explore these topics, and then answer the following questions.

How should a traveler respond to an invitation from an Egyptian? Why?
What kinds of attractions can visitors find at Egypt's six major tourist sites?
Why would a short classical tour include Cairo and Luxor and their surrounding areas?
What tomb in the Valley of the Kings is probably the most famous, and how does it differ from other tombs?
Using your research, create a travel brochure for people interested in visiting Egypt. Feature information about historical, cultural, and recreational places and activities. Include graphics and at least one helpful hint about local customs to add interest. Share your completed brochure with the rest of the class.
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