Economics: Principles and Practices © 2008

Chapter 5: Supply

Student Web Activity

"Finding Company Profiles"

When economists think of supply, they often think about businesses, the products they produce, and the costs of producing them. Business organizations are often willing to share information about their products with consumers in hopes of making a sale, and this information is often on the World Wide Web.

Destination Title: Kentucky Fried Chicken

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Start at the Kentucky Fried Chicken home page.

  • Click on "About Us" and browse through the information about the company.
  • Select the "History" link from the menu on the left.
  • Click on the additional topics at left of your screen to learn more (Colonel Sanders, Secret Recipe, Pressure Cooker, and Press Releases).

Describe Kentucky Fried Chicken's business niche. What type of business organization is it?
How did Colonel Sanders start KFC, and why?
What product, facility, retail sales, and employee information is provided?
Select the "Animal Welfare" page on the left of your computer screen. What has KFC done to ensure animal welfare?
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