The American Republic Since 1877

Chapter 14: World War I and Its Aftermath, 1914—1920

World War I and Its Aftermath, 1914-1920

What event spurred President Wilson to send troops into Mexico?
A)the assassination of Mexican leader Francisco Madero
B)the interception of a letter from a German officer to the German ambassador to Mexico
C)the refusal of the Mexican government to apologize for the arrest of American sailors
D)the installation of General Huerta as leader of Mexico
All of the following influenced American support for the Allies in World War I EXCEPT __________.
A)many Irish Americans, who valued the language and heritage they shared with the British
B)American business, which was strongly tied to businesses in Allied countries
C)American banks, which had a financial investment in an Allied victory
D)British propaganda, which depicted German war atrocities
What were the terms of the Sussex Pledge?
A)Germany pledged that it would issue warnings before attacking any merchant ships.
B)Great Britain pledged that it would not attack merchant ships.
C)The United States pledged that it would enter the war if Germany attacked merchant ships without warning.
D)The Allied nations pledged to defend one another in World War I.
Which of the following is a TRUE statement about women’s roles during World War I?
A)Most women took wartime manufacturing jobs and continued working in those positions after the war.
B)World War I marked the first war in which women officially served in combat positions.
C)World War I marked the first war in which women served as battlefield nurses.
D)World War I marked the first war in which women officially served in the armed forces.
Which of the following controlled the flow of raw materials to manufacturers during World War I?
A)the National War Labor Board
B)the War Industries Board
C)the Fuel Administration
D)the Railroad Administration
The United States financed World War I by doing all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A)raising income taxes
B)selling war bonds
C)introducing new taxes
D)borrowing money from Allied nations
World War I marked the first war in which each of the following new technologies was used EXCEPT __________.
C)poison gas
D)iron-clad ships
Most members of Congress thought that the Treaty of Versailles __________.
A)would lead the United States into war
B)did not adequately punish Germany
C)would prevent future world wars
D)did not position the United States as a world power
What spurred the workers’ strikes of 1919?
A)racial tensions
B)the Red Scare
D)a increase in union membership
During the Red Scare, Americans often linked __________ with radicalism.
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