The American Republic Since 1877

Chapter 28: Resurgence of Conservatism, 1980—1992

Student Web Activity

"The Reagan Legacy"

In the 1980 presidential election, it seemed that the United States was ready for Ronald Reagan. The two previous decades had seen turmoil, war, economic troubles, and weakening political influence abroad. Ronald Reagan's homespun values and promises to restore Americans' faith in the government appealed to many voters, and they gave him a decided victory. During his two terms in office, he proposed increased military spending, decreased taxes, and reduced government control. Did his presidency deliver on his campaign promises? Draw your own conclusions after visiting this Web site about American presidents.

Destination Title: The Presidents

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Start at the The Presidents Web site.

  • Use the drop-down menu on the right to select Reagan. Next, select a topic on the right side of the page. Be sure to visit the Domestic Politics topic to review Reagan's speech on tax cuts and the Legacy topic to review his speech about the Soviets and the "evil empire."
  • Browse through the site, taking notes as you go.

After you have read through the information, answer the following questions.

Characterize Reaganomics and its impact on the national economy.
What effect did the economic program have on the federal deficit?
How does the "Evil Empire" speech reflect Reagan's foreign policy?
Compare the Iran-contra scandal and the Watergate scandal.
Many admired Reagan's communication skills, and some even called him "the great communicator." He often began his speeches with a heartwarming story or a joke. On a separate sheet of paper, compose a brief speech presenting your thoughts on the Reagan legacy-the facets of his administration that define his presidency. Then present your speech to the class in Reagan's folksy manner.
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